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Career Services

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Supporting You & Your Students

How We Can Help

OSU Career Services provides faculty and staff with programming and resources to assist in the career readiness of their students, such as:

  • Workshops and classroom presentations on a variety of subjects.
  • Access to the Job & Interview Portal, including the ability to view open positions and upcoming recruiting events and workshops for students.
  • Guidance with career-related class assignments.

Majors Showcase

At this complimentary, collaborative event, hosted by Career Services and the Office of Student Success, departments will have the opportunity to share information and resources about their degree programs to students exploring their academic and career paths.

Using the Job & Interview Portal

Our Job & Interview Portal is OSU's primary tool for connecting employers and faculty to students seeking employment, internship and assistantship opportunities.
If you are a faculty or staff member, you can use the Job & Interview Portal to post part-time jobs and hire OSU students. Once approved, you will be able to view all open positions and upcoming events. 

Connect Your Students to Valuable Resources

Class Activities

Consider the following assignments and activities that will aid in career readiness:

  • Incentivizing career fair and mock interview attendance.
  • Assigning free career assessments. 
  • Require resume creation and review for class credit.
Connect With Us

Guest Speakers

Hosting a guest speaker is a great way to provide an engaging and interactive experience for audiences looking to learn more about career development. Our staff welcomes the opportunity to speak with your group.


NOTE: Requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the event.


Request a Guest Speaker

Career Events

Career fairs and other similar recruiting events are some of the most effective opportunities to directly connect students with employers. It is important that faculty and staff stress the importance of attending these events to students.




View Upcoming Events


The SuperStrong assessment helps students identify their interests and make informed academic and career decisions by connecting those interests to compatible majors and careers. This engaging assessment takes about 10 minutes to complete and is accessible through any mobile device.


Request Access to SuperStrong


Forage offers access to project-based, real-world applied learning content from top companies. These simulations can be customized by faculty and incorporated directly into coursework. Students will gain hands-on experience that helps develop targeted skills and allows them to better understand work related to their field of study.


Share Forage with Your Students


OSU students, faculty and staff have unlimited access to Coursera’s Career Academy programs. With access to over 300 courses, certificate programs and tutorials in a wide range of subjects,  learning experiences range from targeted hands-on projects to comprehensive, job-ready certificates and degrees.


Request Access to Coursera

Additional Support Through Canvas

We encourage faculty to utilize our Canvas Toolkit designed for class activities. With this toolkit, you will be able to download career-related activities, assignments and presentations.