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Career Services

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Benefits of Being a Host Site
As a host site, organizations have access to talented student interns, along with funding support from OSU Career Services to help cover intern wages. Hosting an intern not only enriches the student experience but also enhances the team by bringing new ideas and perspectives. Interns join your team for a full academic year (August to May), gaining hands-on learning that prepares them for their careers.
As a supervisor, you play a vital role in shaping their professional journey. InternOSU provides resources to help you create a meaningful, productive experience that benefits both you and your intern.
Lindsey Ray headshot

“We have never had a student intern before. InternOSU not only answered all our questions but provided us with fantastic support throughout the selection process. The program also contributes to a portion of the interns wages which opens up opportunities for those departments who may not have the funds to hire an intern on their own.”

- Lindsey Ray
Center for the Future of Work Program Manager

Interested in Becoming a Host Site?

Identify Your Needs

    •  What daily responsibilities can you delegate?
    • Do you have a specific project that needs to be accomplished?
    • What are some of your department’s current long or short-term goals?

Develop a Job Description

Job Description Resource


  • Review the application rubric
  • Create a well-written job description
  • Brainstorm a meaningful project for your intern
  • For questions contact
  • Applications are now closed and will re-open in the spring of 2026

InternOSU Host Site Timeline

Dates Activity
December Host site applications open
January Host site applications close
February Host sites notified of acceptance into the program
February Student applications open
April Student interviews supported by Career Services
August Internships start
May Internships conclude

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can my intern work remotely? 

    Internships are most effective for students when delivered in person. We highly recommend that the majority of tasks and projects be completed in an in-person setting. If extenuating circumstances arise, please contact the Student Experience Team. 

  • Can more than one individual supervise the intern?  

    While it's beneficial for your intern to gain experience working with multiple people, we recommend that you designate one primary supervisor for the duration of the internship. This is important for completing evaluations through the program's professional development requirements.  

  • Can an intern start before the academic year? 

    Host site supervisors can work with their interns to decide on a start date for their position. We recommend students begin their internship during the second week of classes during the fall semester. InternOSU will only begin funding the position starting the first week of class. If you decide to have your intern start before the first week of classes, your department will be responsible for fully funding the position until the first day of the fall semester. 

  • Can I hire more than one intern? 

    Currently, we can only provide funding for one intern per position. After conducting interviews, you are free to hire as many students as you'd like. However, while additional students can still participate in the professional development program, your department will be responsible for funding any interns beyond the first. It is expected that all interns will be equally compensated at $14/hr. Please do not hire an intern without pay.  

  • Can a graduate student be a part of InternOSU? 

    A graduate student may take part in the InternOSU program. However, a graduate student with a GRA or GTA position cannot take part in this program. We encourage graduate students to seek assistantships, as these positions provide a tuition waiver.  

  • How many hours can an intern work? 

    Interns are required to work between 12 – 15 hours per week. If a student is working off-campus, they may work more than 15 hours per week, but it is in the student’s best interest to work no more than 20 hours per week.  

Get In Touch

Amy Wampler

Student Experience Coordinator